ADS Abstract query form fields

This document describes how the abstract service can be accessed from embedded forms. The URL for submitting embedded forms is:
The syntax is:
<a href=">..</a>
where parami are the names of the parameters and vali are their values. There are no spaces allowed in a URL. Any blanks need to be encoded as a '+' (e.g. between author last and first names). Following is a list of the possible parameters and their possible values:
version       : This field has to have a value of 1 for this version of the form.

Search Criteria
author        : list of semicolon separated authornames as lastname, f
object        : list of semicolon separated object names 
keyword       : list of semicolon separated keywords 
title         : title words, any non-alpha-numeric character separates words
text          : abstract words, any non-alpha-numeric character separates words
accno         : bibcode for partial bibcode search. If a bibcode is 
                specified, no other search will be done 
aut_xct       : exact author search. aut_xct=YES turns it on
lpi_query     : lpi_query="YES"  query for LPI objects
sim_query     : sim_query="YES"  query for SIMBAD objects
ned_query     : ned_query="YES"  query for NED objects
iau_query     : iau_query="YES" query for IAU objects
query_type    : what to return: query_type=PAPERS returns regular refs
                query_type=CITES returns citations to selected references
                query_type=REFS returns references in selected references

For the start and end dates, the default is 0, meaning no restriction 
start_mon     : starting month as integer (Jan == 1, Dec == 12) 
start_year    : starting year as integer (4 digits) 
end_mon       : ending month as integer (Jan == 1, Dec == 12) 
end_year      : ending year as integer (4 digits) 

start entry date selects abstracts that were entered in the database
after the specified date. Default is 0, meaning no restriction
start_entry_day    : start entry day of month as integer.  If a
                     negative value is specified, it means that many
                     days before the day of the query
start_entry_mon    : start entry month as integer
start_entry_year   : start entry year as integer

nr_to_return  : how many abstracts to return (default is 50, max 500)
start_nr      : where to start returning abstracts from the list of
                retrieved abstracts.  Default is 1
select_nr     : how many abstracts to select for cite query (default 50)
select_start  : where to start selecting in list of retrieved abstracts

return_req    : requested return:
                return_req=result : return results (default)
                return_req=no_params : return results, don't display parameters
                return_req=form : return new query form
db_key        : which database to query: db_key=AST : Astronomy(default)
                db_key=INST : Instrumentation, db_key=PHY : Physics
jou_pick      : select journal.  jou_pick=ALL returns all references (default)
                jou_pick=NO return only refereed journals
                jou_pick=EXCL return only non-refereed journals
                jou_pick=YES return only journals specified in ref_stems
ref_stems     : list of blank separated bibstems for jou_pick=YES
min_score     : minimum score of returned abstracts (floating point, default 0.0)

The following flags limit the returned references to those that have
the specified information:
data_link     : entries with data. data_link=YES turns it on
nasa_abs      : entries with NASA abstracts. nasa_abs=YES turns it on
orig_abs      : entries with original abstracts. orig_abs=YES turns it on
aut_note      : entries with author notes. aut_note=YES turns it on
article       : entries with articles. article=YES turns it on
article_link  : entries with electronic articles. article_link=YES turns it on
simb_obj      : entries with SIMBAD object links. simb_obj=YES turns it on
ned_obj       : entries with NED object links. ned_obj=YES turns it on
mail_link     : entries with mailorder links. mail_link=YES turns it on
toc_link      : entries with ToC. toc_link=YES turns it on
pdf_link      : entries with PDF links. pdf_link=YES turns it on
ref_link      : entries with reference links. ref_link=YES turns it on
citation_link : entries with citation links.  citation_link=YES turns it on
data_and    : return entries with selected data items available:
              data_and=ALL: no selection, return all references (default)
              data_and=NO : return entries with AT LEAST ONE of the
                              data items selected with the above flags
              data_and=YES: return only entries that have ALL the information
              selected with the above flags
group_and   : return entries from selected groups
              group_and=ALL: no selection, return all references (default)
              group_and=NO : return entries in AT LEAST ONE of the
                               groups selected with group_sel
              group_and=YES: return only entries from ALL groups in group_sel
group_sel   : names of groups to select (can appear multiple times)

Combination Logic within Fields
aut_logic   : 
obj_logic   : xxx_logic=AND: combine results with AND
kwd_logic   : xxx_logic=OR: combine results with OR
ttl_logic   : xxx_logic=SIMPLE: simple logic (use +, -)
txt_logic   : xxx_logic=BOOL: full boolean logic

For all the following flags the default is OFF
aut_syn     : author synonym replacement. aut_syn=YES turns it on
ttl_syn     : title synonym replacement. ttl_syn=YES turns it on
txt_syn     : abstract text synonym replacement. txt_syn=YES turns it on
aut_wgt     : authors used for weighting. aut_wgt=YES turns it on
obj_wgt     : objects used for weighting. obj_wgt=YES turns it on
kwd_wgt     : keywords used for weighting. kwd_wgt=YES turns it on
ttl_wgt     : title used for weighting. ttl_wgt=YES turns it on
txt_wgt     : abstract text used for weighting. txt_wgt=YES turns it on
aut_sco     : authors weighted scoring. aut_sco=WEI turns it on
kwd_sco     : keywords weighted scoring. kwd_sco=WEI turns it on
ttl_sco     : title weighted scoring. ttl_sco=WEI turns it on
txt_sco     : abstract text weighted scoring. txt_sco=WEI turns it on
aut_req     : authors required for results. aut_req=YES turns it on
obj_req     : objects required for results. obj_req=YES turns it on
kwd_req     : keywords required for results. kwd_req=YES turns it on
ttl_req     : title required for results. ttl_req=YES turns it on
txt_req     : abstract text required for results. txt_req=YES turns it on

Field Weights
aut_wt      : floating point weight for author search, default: 1.0
obj_wt      : floating point weight for object search, default: 1.0
kwd_wt      : floating point weight for keyword search, default: 1.0
ttl_wt      : floating point weight for title search, default: 0.3
txt_wt      : floating point weight for text search, default: 3.0