
Instructions for submitting Conference Proceedings to the ADS

This document is intended to be a guideline for editors and authors wishing to submit conference proceedings for inclusion in the ADS Abstract and Article Services. Any questions about the procedure should be directed to ads@cfa.harvard.edu.

ADS is pleased to include any conference proceedings volume, as well as individual conference proceedings abstracts. This includes both electronic and printed conference proceedings. We have a set of naming conventions detailed below, but are flexible if there is a different naming scheme which is more appropriate for your particular conference. If you would like to have your conference proceedings included in our database before your conference, we request that you submit them to us one month in advance of the start of your conference.

Submitting bibliographic records for the ADS Abstract Service

We request the following in order to include a conference proceeding in the ADS abstract service databases:

This information can be submitted via email to "ads@cfa.harvard.edu" or placed on our anonymous ftp site, adsftp.harvard.edu (cd pub/Conf). Please send us an email indicating when you have transferred things to us, so that we can include it in our database as soon as possible.

A few helpful hints:

  1. Once you have submitted a proceedings entry, if you submit sets of
       %T Title
       %A Author List
       %P Page number
       %B Abstract (optional)
    (one per paper), it will be most convenient (e.g. quickest) for us to include your abstracts.

  2. Accented letters: We currently indicate accented letters by enclosing the following between "&" and ";":

        é == eacute
        ü == uuml
        à == agrave
        ñ == ntilde
    We can also convert the latex equivalent to the html format above:

        é == \'e
        ü == \"u
        à == \`a
        ñ == \~n

  3. Bibliographic Codes: Bibliographic codes are in the form: YYYYJJJJJVVVVPPPPPA, where YYYY is the year of publication, JJJJJVVVV is the abbreviation of the conference proceeding, PPPPP is the page number, and A is the first letter of the first author's surname.

    For a conference proceeding such as an ASPC conference proceeding or an IAU Symposium, the abbreviation of the conference proceeding is straight-forward (ASPC..117 or IAUS..120). To create the abbreviation for other conference proceedings, we typically take the first letter from the first four words in the title (omitting words like "the", "a","and",etc). For the volume number, we typically use "conf", although "proc" and "work" are also acceptable if they seem more appropriate for the conference in question. We then end up with an abbreviation such as "hgrb.conf" for the conference abstracts from "The Huntsville Gamma-Ray Burst Symposium". For the "Table of Contents" entry, the page number will be ".....". Here is a sample "Table of Contents" entry:

    %R 1996eds..proc.....L 
    %T The Extragalactic Distance Scale, Proceedings of the ST ScI May Symposium
    %A Livio, M.; Donahue, M.; Panagi, N.
    %J The Extragalactic Distance Scale, Proceedings of the ST ScI May Symposium, 
       held in Baltimore, MD, May 7 - 10, 1996, Eds.: M. Livio, M. Donahue, and 
       N. Panagia, Cambridge University Press.
    %D 00/1996

Including full-text papers in ADS

It is possible for us to make the full-text of articles published in conference proceedings available via the ADS Article Service. This section describes the requirements and procedures to be followed in order to do that.
  1. Provide written permission from the copyright holder allowing ADS to publish electronically the papers in the conference proceedings. The relevant letter should state something along the following lines:

    The <full description of the copyright holder> grants permission to the 
    NASA Astrophysics Data System at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory to: 
    • Convert postscript files to tiff files for <name of conference>
    • Add a note at the bottom of each page with the following content: (c) <name of copyright holder> - Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System
    • Make the images of the articles electronically available, free of charge, for all volumes starting 6 months after publication.
    Feel free to modify as you see fit, especially item three, then send a copy of a signed copy of the permission letter to:

    Dr. Guenther Eichhorn
    NASA Astrophysics Data System
    Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
    60 Garden Street, M.S. 83
    Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

  2. Send us either a printed copy of the conference proceedings book or (if available) the set of full-text files used to create the proceedings. If only a printed book is available, please send it to Guenther Eichhorn at the address listed above along with the permission letter. If full-text PostScript or PDF files are available for all papers, please read on.

  3. To submit the full-text files with the necessary information for us to process them, you will need to create a TAR or ZIP archive and transfer it to our ftp server. This is what must be included in the archive file:

  4. Create a compressed TAR or ZIP archive containing of all the full-text files, the README file, and name the file using (if possible) the standard acronym adopted by ADS in naming bibliographic entries for the conference. For example, the archive file containing papers submitted to the ASP Conference Proceedings n.117 should be named ASPC117.tar.gz or ASPC..117.tar.gz. The archive for files containing the conference 2000immm.proc should be named 2000immm.proc.tar.gz.

  5. Deposit the tar archive on our anonymous ftp server under the URL ftp://adsftp.harvard.edu/pub/Conf and notify us. We will contact you with any questions regarding the full-text processing of the files.

Last updated: 7/13/2001