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Table of Contents for CoSka..52a from Astronomy Database

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Selected and retrieved 4 abstracts.

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1 2022CoSka..52a..64S
1.00004/2022            F  G                                                                  
Skopal, A.; Komzík, R.

2 2022CoSka..52a..46T
1.00004/2022A          F  G                              R  C                              
Tsvetkov, D. Yu.; Volkov, I. M.; Shugarov, S. Yu.; Metlov, V. G.; Pavlyuk, N. N.; Vozyakova, O. V.; Shatsky, N. I.
Photometric observations of SN 2017egm and peculiar transient AT 2018cow

3 2022CoSka..52a..32E
1.00004/2022A      E  F                                  R                                  
Elsanhoury, W. H.; Al-Johani, Amnah S.; El Fewaty, Noha H.; Haroon, A. A.
Distance determination by magnitude analysis of some open clusters with GAIA era and stellar luminosity function

4 2022CoSka..52a...5T
1.00004/2022A          F  G      X                      R  C                              
Takeda, Y.
Photospheric silicon abundances of upper main-sequence stars derived from Si nbsp;II 6347/6371 doublet lines

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