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Table of Contents for AstL...47. from Astronomy Database

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Selected and retrieved 4 abstracts.

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1 2021AstL...47..863T
1.00012/2021A      E                                      R  C                              
Tsvetkov, A. S.
Kinematic Properties of the GAIA EDR3 Catalogue

2 2021AstL...47..856S
1.00012/2021A      E                                      R                                  
Semena, A. N.; Mereminskiy, I. A.; Arefiev, V. A.; Lutovinov, A. A.
GX 339-4: Is the Hot-Flow Precession Model Consistent with the Infrared Variability in Low-Mass X-ray Binaries?

3 2021AstL...47..831K
1.00012/2021A      E              X                      R  C                              
Kuranov, A. G.; Postnov, K. A.; Yungelson, L. R.
Populations of Ultraluminous X-ray Sources in Galaxies: Origin and Evolution

4 2021AstL...47..791P
1.00012/2021A      E                                      R  C                              
Pozanenko, A. S.; Barkov, M. V.; Minaev, P. Yu.; Volnova, A. A.
Gamma-Ray Bursts: Multiwavelength Investigations and Models

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