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Table of Contents for AcASn..63. from Astronomy Database

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Selected and retrieved 12 abstracts.

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1 2022AcASn..63...37X
Xiao, H. B.
Automated Classification and Spectral Modeling of Fermi Blazars

2 2022AcASn..63...36L
1.00005/2022A                                              R                                  
Liu, Y.; Ma, Z.; You, Z., Y.; Wang, P.; Dang, S. J.; Zhao, R. S.; Dong, A. J.
Research on Unsupervised Clustering Analysis of Large-scale Pulsar Candidate Signals

3 2022AcASn..63...35B
1.00005/2022A                                              R                                  
Berdikhan, D.; Esimbek, J.; Xu, Y.; Liu, D. J.; Zhou, J. J.; He, Y. X.; Zhu, C. H.; Li, G. H.
Study on the Properties of Molecular Gas Clumps in IRDCs

4 2022AcASn..63...34W
1.00005/2022A                                              R                                  
Wang, J.; Wang, J.; Wang, L. L.; Sun, W.; Xiao, Z. Y.; Zhang, H.; Liang, Z.
Analysis of the Relationship between Solar Activity and Solar Rotation Rate

5 2022AcASn..63...33D
1.00005/2022A                                              R                                  
Dong, D. H.; Cheng, X. M.; Zhang, Z. J.; Wang, J. C.; Mao, W.
Research on the Calculation Method for the Parameters of Underground Dual-Mass Disturbance Zones

6 2022AcASn..63...32L
1.00005/2022A                                              R  C                              
Li, G. J.; Wang, C. J.; Ye, H. C.
Performance Analysis of BeiDou-3 Common-View Time Transferring

7 2022AcASn..63...31H
1.00005/2022A                                              R                                  
Hu, W.; Wang, J. Q.; Liu, C.; Bu, Z. H.
Phase Analysis of Aperture Surface on Circular Focal Antenna

8 2022AcASn..63...30H
1.00005/2022A                                              R                                  
He, Y. Q.; Shi, D. D.; Pan, Z. Z.
Research on the Intra-Group Light in the HCG 95 Group

9 2022AcASn..63...29H
1.00005/2022A                                              R                                  
Han, X. H.; Yuen, R.
The Different Distribution of Gaussian Components between Mainpulse and Interpulse in Pulsar Radio Profiles

10 2022AcASn..63...28M
1.00005/2022A                                              R  C                              
Ma, Q.; Pei, X.; Chen, M. Z.; Tohtonur; Wang, Z. J.; Li, J.; Duan, X. F.
A Research of RFI Mitigation Method Based on Adaptive Filter

11 2022AcASn..63...27F
1.00005/2022A                                              R  C                              
Fan, Y. Z.; Chang, J.; Guo, J. H.; Yuan, Q.; Hu, Y. M.; Li, X.; Yue, C.; Huang, G. S.; Liu, S. B.; Feng, C. Q.; and 27 coauthors
Very Large Area Gamma-ray Space Telescope (VLAST)

12 2022AcASn..63...26Y
1.00005/2022A                                              R                                  
Yang, J.; Shan, W. L.
Science Cases and the Conceptual Design for a New-generation Multi-beam Receiving System

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