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Table of Contents for AREPS..49D from Astronomy Database

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Selected and retrieved 26 abstracts.

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1 2021AREPS..49D...5F
1.00005/2021        E  F                                                                      
Freeman, Katherine H.; Jeanloz, Raymond
Mission Statement

2 2021AREPS..49..679S
1.00005/2021A      E  F                                  R  C                              
Scotese, Christopher R.
An Atlas of Phanerozoic Paleogeographic Maps: The Seas Come In and the Seas Go Out

3 2021AREPS..49..643D
1.00005/2021A      E  F                                  R  C                              
de Pater, Imke; Keane, James T.; de Kleer, Katherine; Davies, Ashley Gerard
A 2020 Observational Perspective of Io

4 2021AREPS..49..609R
1.00005/2021A      E  F                                  R  C                              
Rae, James W. B.; Zhang, Yi Ge; Liu, Xiaoqing; Foster, Gavin L.; Stoll, Heather M.; Whiteford, Ross D. M.
Atmospheric CO2 over the Past 66 Million Years from Marine Archives

5 2021AREPS..49..579S
1.00005/2021A      E  F                                  R  C                              
Sotin, Christophe; Kalousová, Klára; Tobie, Gabriel
Titan's Interior Structure and Dynamics After the Cassini-Huygens Mission

6 2021AREPS..49..551T
1.00005/2021A      E  F                                  R  C                              
Tappin, David R.
Submarine Landslides and Their Tsunami Hazard

7 2021AREPS..49..523A
1.00005/2021A      E  F                                  R  C                              
Altieri, Katye E.; Fawcett, Sarah E.; Hastings, Meredith G.
Reactive Nitrogen Cycling in the Atmosphere and Ocean

8 2021AREPS..49..495G
1.00005/2021A      E  F                                  R  C                              
Gazel, Esteban; Flores, Kennet E.; Carr, Michael J.
Architectural and Tectonic Control on the Segmentation of the Central American Volcanic Arc

9 2021AREPS..49..465W
1.00005/2021A      E  F                                  R  C                              
Wallace, Paul J.; Plank, Terry; Bodnar, Robert J.; Gaetani, Glenn A.; Shea, Thomas
Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions: A Microscopic Perspective on a Complex Magmatic World

10 2021AREPS..49..435G
1.00005/2021A      E  F                                  R  C                              
Gilbert, Alexis
The Organic Isotopologue Frontier

11 2021AREPS..49..399K
1.00005/2021A      E  F                                  R  C                              
Kendall, Brian
Recent Advances in Geochemical Paleo-Oxybarometers

12 2021AREPS..49..367W
1.00005/2021A      E  F                                  R  C                              
Walton, Maureen A. L.; Staisch, Lydia M.; Dura, Tina; Pearl, Jessie K.; Sherrod, Brian; Gomberg, Joan; Engelhart, Simon; Tréhu, Anne; Watt, Janet; Perkins, Jon; and 10 coauthors
Toward an Integrative Geological and Geophysical View of Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquakes

13 2021AREPS..49..337O
1.00005/2021A      E  F                                  R  C                              
Ostrander, Chadlin M.; Johnson, Aleisha C.; Anbar, Ariel D.
Earth's First Redox Revolution

14 2021AREPS..49..309L
1.00005/2021A      E  F                                  R  C                              
Lindsey, Nathaniel J.; Martin, Eileen R.
Fiber-Optic Seismology

15 2021AREPS..49..279A
1.00005/2021A      E  F                                  R  C                              
Axford, Yarrow; de Vernal, Anne; Osterberg, Erich C.
Past Warmth and Its Impacts During the Holocene Thermal Maximum in Greenland

16 2021AREPS..49..253O
1.00005/2021A      E  F                                  R  C                              
Ohtani, Eiji
Hydration and Dehydration in Earth's Interior

17 2021AREPS..49..231C
1.00005/2021A      E  F                                  R  C                              
Costa, Fidel
Clocks in Magmatic Rocks

18 2021AREPS..49..201S
1.00005/2021A      E  F                                  R  C                              
Sterner, Robert W.
The Laurentian Great Lakes: A Biogeochemical Test Bed

19 2021AREPS..49..173M
1.00005/2021A      E  F                                  R  C                              
Moore, Jeffrey M.; McKinnon, William B.
Geologically Diverse Pluto and Charon: Implications for the Dwarf Planets of the Kuiper Belt

20 2021AREPS..49..141W
1.00005/2021A      E  F                                  R  C                              
Wray, James J.
Contemporary Liquid Water on Mars?

21 2021AREPS..49..117Y
1.00005/2021A      E  F                                  R  C                              
Yoshida, Masaki; Yoshizawa, Kazunori
Continental Drift with Deep Cratonic Roots

22 2021AREPS..49...95K
1.00005/2021A      E  F                                  R  C                              
Keller, Klaus; Helgeson, Casey; Srikrishnan, Vivek
Climate Risk Management

23 2021AREPS..49...71J
1.00005/2021A      E  F                                  R  C                              
Jakosky, Bruce M.
Atmospheric Loss to Space and the History of Water on Mars

24 2021AREPS..49...37B
1.00005/2021A      E  F                                  R  C                              
Bekaert, D. V.; Turner, S. J.; Broadley, M. W.; Barnes, J. D.; Halldórsson, S. A.; Labidi, J.; Wade, J.; Walowski, K. J.; Barry, P. H.
Subduction-Driven Volatile Recycling: A Global Mass Balance

25 2021AREPS..49....9S
1.00005/2021A      E  F                                  R  C                              
Stern, Robert J.; Moghadam, Hadi Shafaii; Pirouz, Mortaza; Mooney, Walter
The Geodynamic Evolution of Iran

26 2021AREPS..49....1O
1.00005/2021A      E  F                                  R                                  
Ozima, Minoru
Minoru Ozima: Autobiographical Notes

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