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Table of Contents for AstBu..77. from Astronomy Database

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Selected and retrieved 9 abstracts.

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1 2022AstBu..77..214P
1.00006/2022A      E                                      R  C                              
Potanin, S. A.; Kornilov, M. V.; Savvin, A. D.; Safonov, B. S.; Ibragimov, M. A.; Kopylov, E. A.; Nalivkin, M. A.; Shmagin, V. E.; Huy, L. X.; Thao, N. T.
A Facility for the Study of Atmospheric Parameters Based on the Shack--Hartmann Sensor

2 2022AstBu..77..197K
1.00006/2022A      E              X                      R  C                              
Kumar, N.; Sokolov, V. V.
Mass Distribution and "Mass Gap" of Compact Stellar Remnants in Binary Systems

3 2022AstBu..77..182D
1.00006/2022        E                                      R  C                              
Danilov, V. M.
Tidal Constraints for Wide Binaries in Pleiades

4 2022AstBu..77..167G
1.00006/2022        E                                      R  C                              
Glagolevskij, Yu. V.
Features of the Behavior of Magnetic Chemically Peculiar Stars on the Main Sequence. II

5 2022AstBu..77..156R
1.00006/2022        E                                      R  C      S                      
Romanyuk, I. I.; Moiseeva, A. V.; Kudryavtsev, D. O.; Yakunin, I. A.; Aitov, V. N.; Baklanova, D. N.
On the Magnetic Field Structure of Chemically Peculiar Star 53 Cam

6 2022AstBu..77..150S
1.00006/2022        E                                      R  C      S                      
Savanov, I. S.; Dmitrienko, E. S.
KIC 5428626---New FK Com-Type Star Candidate

7 2022AstBu..77..144R
1.00006/2022        E                                      R                                  
Rastorguev, A. S.; Zabolotskikh, M. V.; Lazovik, Ya. A.; Gorynya, N. A.; Berdnikov, L. N.
New Version of the Pulsating Photospheres Method: Multiphase Temprature Measurements of Cepheids

8 2022AstBu..77..132V
1.00006/2022        E                                      R  C                              
Vasiliev, E. O.; Shchekinov, Yu. A.; Koval', V. V.; Egorov, O. V.
On Possibility of Star Formation Triggered by Multiple Supernovae in Dwarf Galaxies

9 2022AstBu..77..123M
1.00006/2022        E                                      R                                  
Meza, A.; Lipovka, A. A.
Modeling the Rotation Curve of Disk Galaxies

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