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Table of Contents for Ap....tmp. from Astronomy Database

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Selected and retrieved 10 abstracts.

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1 2022Ap....tmp...21A
Alaverdyan, G. B.
Quark Matter in the NJL Model with a Vector Interaction and the Structure of Hybrid Stars

2 2022Ap....tmp...20S
Sharma, M. K.; Chandra, S.
Disilicon Carbide (Si2C) in the Interstellar Medium

3 2022Ap....tmp...19M
Mirtadjieva, K. T.; Nuritdinov, S. N.; Mannapova, K. A.; Sadibekova, T. O.
Instabilities of a Nonstationary Model of a Self-Gravitating Disk. V. New Annular Perturbation Modes

4 2022Ap....tmp...18N
Nagirner, D. I.; Grachev, S. I.
Compton Scattering in Plane Media: Polarization of Radiation and Azimuthal Independence. II. Results of Calculations

5 2022Ap....tmp...17A
Akopian, A. A.
Fractional Poisson Law in the Statistics of Flashing Objects. I. Description of the Method

6 2022Ap....tmp...16G
Glagolevskij, Yu. V.
Problems with Root-Mean-Square Values of the Magnetic Field of Ap Stars. I.

7 2022Ap....tmp...15M
Movsessian, T. A.; Magakian, T. Yu.; Andreasyan, H. R.
HH 1216: The Extended Bipolar Flow Associated with IRAS 06212-1049

8 2022Ap....tmp...14A
Alenazi, M. S.; Elkhateeb, M. M.
Photometric Study and Evolutionary State for Some Newly Discovered W UMA Systems

9 2022Ap....tmp...13L
Larchenkova, T. I.; Ermash, A. A.; Vasiliev, E. O.; Shchenkov, Yu. A.
Observational Manifestations of First Galaxies in the Far Infrared Range

10 2022Ap....tmp...12S
Samsonyan, A. L.
Analysis of Emission Line Widths of [CII] 158mum

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