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Table of Contents for ARA&A..59D from Astronomy Database

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Selected and retrieved 12 abstracts.

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1 2021ARA&A..59D...5V
1.00009/2021        E  F                                                                      
van Dishoeck, Ewine F.; Kennicutt, Robert C.

2 2021ARA&A..59..445H
1.00009/2021A      E  F                                  R  C                              
Hudson, Hugh S.
Carrington Events

3 2021ARA&A..59..391C
1.00009/2021A      E  F          X          D          R  C                              
Chomiuk, Laura; Metzger, Brian D.; Shen, Ken J.
New Insights into Classical Novae

4 2021ARA&A..59..337D
1.00009/2021A      E  F          X                      R  C                              
Decin, Leen
Evolution and Mass Loss of Cool Ageing Stars: a Daedalean Story

5 2021ARA&A..59..291Z
1.00009/2021A      E  F          X                      R  C                              
Zhu, Wei; Dong, Subo
Exoplanet Statistics and Theoretical Implications

6 2021ARA&A..59..247H
1.00009/2021A      E  F          X                      R  C                              
Hui, Lam
Wave Dark Matter

7 2021ARA&A..59..203G
1.00009/2021A      E  F                                  R  C                              
Gladman, Brett; Volk, Kathryn
Transneptunian Space

8 2021ARA&A..59..155M
1.00009/2021A      E  F          X          D          R  C                              
Margutti, Raffaella; Chornock, Ryan
First Multimessenger Observations of a Neutron Star Merger

9 2021ARA&A..59..117R
1.00009/2021A      E  F          X                      R  C                              
Reynolds, Christopher S.
Observational Constraints on Black Hole Spin

10 2021ARA&A..59...59B
1.00009/2021A      E  F          X                      R  C                              
Brown, Anthony G. A.
Microarcsecond Astrometry: Science Highlights from Gaia

11 2021ARA&A..59...21G
1.00009/2021A      E  F          X          D          R  C                              
Gezari, Suvi
Tidal Disruption Events

12 2021ARA&A..59....1S
1.00009/2021A      E  F                                  R  C                              
Swarup, Govind
The Journey of a Radio Astronomer: Growth of Radio Astronomy in India

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